As I sit here watching Ted Koppel's 3 hour debut on Discovery, and think about the 3 hours I wasted earlier on his former employer's network watching the dull fiasco with all it's alpha glossing, and shaky camera angles, I wonder what good men do to gain the self respect that must be necessary to wake up each day and drudge through a world where so many know so little. I tried to find the factual rebuttals to the path show, but came up mostly empty save for a few postings here and there. ThinkProgress cornered the market on the search engines for "path to 911" and anything around those basic search words. But all I found there was an argument with bogusly long block quotes between someone named barfly and eyesawpath. I gotta admit I was dissappointed that I couldn't find real-time factual analysis detailing the truth divergence as it happened. Are my expectations too high? Or is it just because I'm a yahoo devotee and my search results don't give me more than I ask for. At least they did point out that the comparison between F911 and P2911 differ in that F911 wasn't produced by a major broadcast network and shown during primetime, while claiming to be based on a factual report, but instead was one persons view of what happened. I was incensed to see Thomas Kean's name flash during the credits on P2911 as Co-Executive Producer! Shouldn't he have at least disclosed that during his panel interview on This Week, instead of accepting the qualified identity of "Consultant"? What a (surprised?!) potential conflict of interest that is. And what kind of co-exec prod doesn't get to see the dailies, edits, and everything in between. He stands to benefit from this and that just ain't right, after chairing the commission. Another blatant disregard for principled behavior from an entrenched republican't.
Definitely worth watching, and actually germain to the conversation: Monarchy on PBS. Especially prior viewing HenryV and RichardIII back to back, as I did on Saturday night. Guess there's plenty of precedent for deceipt, death, senseless warmaking, and general treachery.
Katrina rocked on This Week. What an excellent panel, I respect them all.
One last thing, please read my letter to the editor on No plan for Afghanistan regarding the Taliban (what, no, really?) resurgence.