Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uncounted - How the 2004 Election Was Stolen, and how the 2008 Election may be too...Now on Starz and You Tube

This has been out for a while, but it's time to really pay attention - you can view the entire movie on Starz and bits and pieces on youtube. This is the trailer from the movie:

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Why the Failout Bailed...

Concise stories from the Washington Post and the NY Times on why the bailout fill failed.

Recent History - 3 week timeline of the economelt

Excellent survey of the last 3 weeks from the NY Times. Gives good perspective on what happened when, and how using print stories, video, charts, and porn. Just kidding, there are no charts...

Bailout Fallout - Who voted how - NY Times Map and List

Roll call of which house members voted yay and nay on HR 3997. By state, party, in list and map format. Very cool, just the kind of thing I was looking for, and whaddayaknow - found.

Fact Checking Debate #1

From FactCheck.org - McCain needs to check his facts on earmarks, Eisenhower, Kissinger, and a host of other issues discussed during the debates. Obama was off on some percentages and amounts relative to his proposed tax cuts, and the Iraqi surplus. Check out the facts at FactCheck.org.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

SNL - Tina Fey Sarah Palin Katie Couric

So similar to the real interview...it's like art imitating life, but in an alternate evil universe

Daily Show - Thursday, 9/25 - Economic Dive of Death

Bush 2003 side-by-side with Bush 2008, why is that the DS is the only place where you can get this kind of incisive reporting?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Katie Couric Interview with Sarah Palin, Day 1

See for yourself just how much air there is up there...

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Katie Couric Interview with Sarah Palin, Day 2

Continuing with the blatant display of a definitive lack of anything that qualifies her to hold any office beyond her original stint on the PTA...Encyclopedic representation of the Peter Principle in action

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Huckabee thinks that McCain's narcissism is a "huge mistake"

John McCain's confusion over priorities and apparent inability to multitask is making even fellow GOP supporters think that he's making a "huge mistake" by even considering not attending the debates tonight. Not only did Mike Huckabee say that McCain was making a "huge mistake", but he also said that a president must be prepared to “deal with the unexpected." McCain seems more intent on manifesting the unexpected, in true temperamental style, than dealing with anything expected or otherwise.

McCain's blustery attempts to shift the conversation through political theatrics is falling short of fooling the nation. News just came through that, surprise, surprise, McCain will be attending he debate. What a freakin waist of time, and what a joke of a stunt. McCain ends up looking scattered, unprepared to deal with the duties that are required of the President, and just plain incompetent and immature - which is saying a lot, given his advanced experience age-wise in the world.

McCain must have finally figured out for himself what Huckabee stated last night: “You can’t just say, ‘World stop for a moment. I’m going to cancel everything,”...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Palin's Witch-hunting Pastor Anoints her with Anti-witch Prayer

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Cambell Brown on McCain's Chauvinism and Sexism toward Sarah Palin

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

George Will on John McCain's "dismaying temperament"...

Delightfully written op-ed piece that blasts John McSame's "boiling moralism" and exposition of his "inner queen of hearts", that questions directly McBush's "suitability" for the presidency. With links to the 9/19 WSJ article decrying McIdiot's scapegoating of Christoper Cox, chairman of the SEC, as well as links to stories in the Washington Post, and the NY Times, revealing McPalin's blatant attempts to circumvent his own crowning legislative achievement of McCain-Feingold campaign restrictions.

Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain has more cars than houses...

How many cars does it take to win the Presidency? If America is paying attention, just one. McBush hit it out of the parking lot according to Newsweek, scoring 13 gas-guzzlers of various nationalities to Obama's 1; his Gas -Saving, American-Made, Ford Escape Hybrid. That's right, McPalin has 13 cars, and Obama has 1.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Carmel's Local Heroine, Tracy Hydorn

Local maverick, and Carmel High School skateboarding legend,Tracy Hydorn, became an in impromptu sidewalk activist last week when she was accosted by a group of imported extremist homophobics masquerading as Narnia-nerds, in the center of Carmel. As a result of this profane protest, CS Lewis turned over twice in his tomb. Surely, his faith was not the same as that malignant affliction that these cape-clad ogres and apostles of hate suffer from.

I was likewise accosted two days later, by a couple of haters-in-making, at my front door, after rousing me from a snippet of ever-more-valuable, and ever-more-rare, satisfying slumber. These neophytes were younger than my car, and had a prop-baby in tow, telling me how marriage to my RDP would require that their "son" be taught in school that Gay Marriage is "OK". What a shitty way to start the day. I tried to engage them in a reasoned discussion of the facts, but they would have neither, and stormed off with sickeningly saccharine smiles of false con-damnation on their faces.

Imagine using kids as props to deny people their civil rights - I'd use them to deny those that voted for Bush twice, the right to vote in this year's general.

I guess this means I have to now forgive Tracy for standing me up for the Prom in 1976...nah, maybe next time, I like holding a grudge.


Senator Hagel Expresses Doubts about Palin's "Readiness"

From today's edition of the Omaha World Herald:

"She doesn't have any foreign policy credentials," Hagel said in an interview. "You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don't know what you can say. You can't say anything."

"I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" he said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."

Senator Hagel is a Republican senator from Nebraska.

Daily Show - Sept 5th complete episode; way worth watching

This is the special episode from Friday, 9/5/08, after the RNC. Watch the whole damn thing, you won't regret it, and you'll be better informed than 98% of the rest of the nation.