Monday, October 29, 2007


There's always a lot of garbage on TV, but I spent the earliest part of this day watching some of the best Garbage one can ever wish to see. It's from last year, but so what, I usually find out about shit 2 years after it's happened, so I'm feeling ahead of the curve on this one. I saw them last year at the Cat, and they played 2 hours of legendary material that sent the sound waves wafting over my eardrums in a visceral feast of Shirleygasmic audible assault. It was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Siouxsie-Sioux will be traveling soon I hope, let me know if you find out first.

I found Feist annoying when I listened to her at the gym on my shuffle, but now she's everywhere, and I can't seem to get away from her wispy airstrewn tones. I'm just wondering which machine washer/insurance agency/new car commercial her asthmatic vocals will show up on first. She'll probably turn out to be my new fave now, just watch, I always shoot myself in the foot that way. I could've seen SATB so many times when I was living in the City (in dust) but just couldn't quite get it, maybe it had something to do with associating their music to my heroin-addicted roomate, thankfully got that association dissolved, and I can enjoy her animalistic yodeling without having to feel like I'm missing out on something intrinsic because of my virgin veins.

Check this out, it'll blow your mind.